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14.02.1945 • 09.02.2023
O pogrzebie zawiadamiają pogrążone w żałobie Córki z Rodziną.
George was my tutor from 1993 to 1995 whilst I was studying for a Post Graduate Degree at the University of Surrey. Soon after I was fortunate enough to work with George for 3 companies over a period of 14 years. George taught me so much as well as making me laugh. He was the biggest influence on my career and I will miss his words of wisdom and sense of humour. Today I teach others what George taught me. George was a unique man who unfortunately we will not see the like of again. I am so glad I met George and I treasure all of the memories I have of our times together.
I had the pleasure of being Wieslaw's student and colleague. He taught me so much about statistical signal processing, for which I will be eternally grateful. His humour and amazing ideas inspired many souls from all parts of the world. He will be greatly missed!
Please accept my deepest condolences. Wieslaw was my friend and my mentor. I am deeply saddened by the news.
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