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Udostępnij podziękowanie Pobierz podziękowanie SMS26.07.1982 • 27.01.2024
O pogrzebie zawiadamiają pogrążeni w żałobie Rodzice, Brat z Żoną i Dziećmi oraz pozostała Rodzina.
I express my sincerest condolences to the family and friends of Konrad. He will surely be missed by everyone and he will be remembered for the good guy he was.
My most sincere condolences for the loss of Konrad. We were colleagues for the last 10 years. Konrad was a very warm and enthusiastic person who was very dedicated and was a very unique personality in our group. He will be sorely missed. Sending wishes of support and peace to his family. Rest in peace my friend!
Condolences to all the family, Konrad was a friend, a nice person to spend time with, always smiling... We will miss him dearly..
What an amazing guy. I worked with Konrad for many years and we had become good friends. A unique sense of humour, a bone crushing hand shake, someone to always take the time to speak to and listen to. I will miss you Konrad..
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