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14.01.1950 • 14.01.2024

Wiek: 74 lat
Msza święta: 14.02.2024 o godzinie 12:00 w Kościele pw. Matki Bożej Nieustającej Pomocy w Grodzisku Mazowieckim, przy ulicy Piaskowej 21 adresPiaskowa 21, 05-825 Grodzisk Mazowiecki
Cmentarz: 14.02.2024 cmentarz parafialny (stary) wejście od ulicy Montwiłła adresGrodzisk Mazowiecki
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O pogrzebie zawiadamia pogrążona w żałobie: Rodzina

Rodzina zmarłej prosi o nieskładanie kondolencji.


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    Thomas Corbett 15.02.2024, 08:17

    Very sorry for your terrible loss. I cannot imagine the sadness. I will always remember that even though we couldn't communicate with words, she had a joy and warmth that was beyond language. Rest in peace 🙏🏻

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    Moss and Gemma Gannon 15.02.2024, 08:17

    Sincere sympathy to Mr Syska, Aga and Darek on the sad loss of Bożenna RIP. To Senan Helena and Aeden on the loss of your Mother in law and Grandmother. May her gentle soul Rest in Peace.

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    Vincent & Mary Gorman, Ballindrum, Athy, Co Kildare 15.02.2024, 08:17

    Our sincere condolences to Aga, Senan and family and your extended families on the death of your dear Mother. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all at this very sad time. May she rest in eternal peace.

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    Barbara i Andrzej Gołaszewscy 13.02.2024, 12:12

    Bardzo nam przykro za wcześnie Bożenko pozostaniesz w naszej pamięci. Wyrazy współczucia dla całej rodziny łączymy się z Wami w bólu Basia I Andrzej z rodziną

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    Nessa Corbett 13.02.2024, 12:12

    Thinking of you all. Rest in peace Baba xx

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    Pat Helen &Niall Corbett 13.02.2024, 12:12

    Deepest sympathy on Boźenna death to Jozef Aga & Darek great memories of Christmas A gentle warm and kind soul may she rest in peace our thoughts and prayers are with you all at this sad time .

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    Joe and Dolores Gorman 13.02.2024, 12:11

    Our Sincere sympathy to Aga Senan and family,and all the Syska family on the sad passing of Boozena, thinking of you all at this very sad time ,may she rest in peace.

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    Krystyna i Bogdan Patalan 12.02.2024, 12:47

    Ze smutkiem przyjęliśmy wiadomość o niespodziewanej śmierci Bożeny.Łączymy się w bólu i żałobie Krysia i Bogdan

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    Eric and Elaine Solano 12.02.2024, 12:47

    Our deepest sympathies on the death of Bozeena. She was a wonderful warm and joyful person. May she rest in peace.

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    Tomás agus Nóra Ó Gormáin 12.02.2024, 12:47

    Our sincere condolences to Aga, Senan and the Syska family and friends on the passing of Bożenna. RIP. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hAnam.

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    Mary and Billy Gorman Ireland 12.02.2024, 12:47

    We were so sorry to hear of the passing of Bozenna. Sincere condolences to Mr. Syska, Aga, her son, and Senan . May her gentle soul rest in peace.

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    Maura Miller 12.02.2024, 12:46

    Deepest sympathy to all the family

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    Martin and Edna Corbett 12.02.2024, 12:46

    Sincerely sympathy Agha and all family We have such great memories and such happy time visiting you all in Poland May God comfort you all at this time And May God grant her bed of Heaven R I P

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    Breda Joy 12.02.2024, 12:46

    Sincere Condolences to Aga & her family on the death of her dear mother Bozenna May she Rest In Peace

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    John and Phyllis Gorman 12.02.2024, 12:46

    Deepest sympathy to Aga and Senan on the sad passing of Aga's mam.May her gentle soul rest in peace.John