Age: 74 lat Mass: 31.07.2024 o godz 11:00 w kościele pw. Św. Marcina w Chojnacie Chojnata Cemetery: 31.07.2024 cmentarz parafialny Chojnata Organiser: KOPERSKI WARSZAWA
You can order flowers with delivery to the funeral or personal pickup from one of our offices
Flowers can be ordered online when there is more than one day left to the funeral. To order flowers, please call us: KOPERSKI WARSZAWA tel. 22 111 88 88
You can order flowers until 3 p.m. the day before the funeral.
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Treść powiadomienia:
Z żalem informuję, iż nie żyje Anna Wieczorek. Msza święta odbędzie się 31.07.2024 o godz 11:00 w kościele pw. Św. Marcina w Chojnacie. Więcej informacji na stronie
O pogrzebie zawiadamia pogrążona w żałobie Rodzina
The obituary has been published on the basis of the consent collected during the formalities regarding the funeral. The consent may be withdrawn at any time by the funeral organiser (the person ordering the funeral) by expressing such a wish by e-mail to the address
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