Funeral services

We are at your disposal all day, seven days a week. We react quickly and we offer the shortest possible transport times and decent conditions for storing a body in modern cooling units. Our specially trained team guarantees professional and humanitarian conduct towards the deceased person. We stick to our specially developed model of conduct that is in line with the requirements of the law and ordinances on dealing with deceased persons.

All our cars are suitable for transporting the deceased. Our cooling units undergo systematic internal and external checks. At each stage of proceedings each employee has appropriate competences that enable them to deliver comprehensive information and support to the deceased person’s family.


Our activity is carried out according to the motto “Dignity and Tradition”.

Upon customer request we provide a complete set of funeral services, including the completion of all necessary formalities – also abroad, should the need arise. Our Funeral Company takes account of Polish traditions related to burials. Our offer keeps expanding – through participating in national and international funeral exhibitions and fairs we implement up-to-date global designs and innovative industrial solutions.

There is also a possibility for the relatives of a deceased person to entrust us with representing them before state and church institutions and other entities related to funeral issues. On customer request a cashless and simplified procedure of acquiring funds from ZUS, KRUS, MSWiA and WBE, etc., is available.

Additional services:

  • intermediation in placing obituaries and condolences in press,
  • preparing obituaries and posting them in arranged places,
  • arranging musical setting of funeral ceremonies (music can be played from carriers or by musicians),
  • arranging a photographer and a camcorder.

What is more, we can offer tents, portable chapel decorations and sound systems to be used in various burial places. We also offer a possibility of ordering wreaths, bunches and bouquets. We are open to customer wishes other than the ones mentioned above.

Everything is carried out in line with a principle “the company’s capabilities stretch as far as our customers’ wishes”.



We offer you a cremation service. Cremation of the body of a deceased person is an alternative to the classic burial, but the funeral can take place in a traditional way. Cremation is available in two versions: in the presence of the family or not. The burial ceremony does not differ from the one present at a traditional burial of a coffin with a body. The ceremony related to the burial of a cremated body can take place at the Farewell Chapel, at a church or a cemetery.

Wishing to follow new trends in burial forms, we respond to your expectations. Therefore, we offer cremation of the body of a deceased person. We complete all formalities related to this process. Before cremation we can organise a farewell of the deceased person at our funeral home. The vast assortment of utensils includes cremation coffins and a broad range of urns.

Our funeral home guarantees reliability and required discipline in performing identification and the entire cremation process.


In accordance with the Polish tradition, funeral is organised according to an etiquette that covers numerous activities related to the preparation of the body, farewell and burial of a deceased person at a cemetery.
You can order:

  • storage of the body in a cooling unit until the funeral, washing and dressing up the deceased person,
  • thanato-cosmetics,
  • preparation of non-standard, custom coffin dimensions,
  • farewell at the funeral home, cremation,
  • selection of a coffin, urn and funeral utensils,
  • comprehensive funeral setting,
  • selection of a burial plot at a cemetery,
  • consolation.

Depending on the deceased person’s family request, an appropriate ceremony and setting is selected. Most funeral ceremonies that we organise are religious, catholic ceremonies with a funeral mass and a procession accompanying the deceased person to a parish church. We also undertake the organisation of state funerals, funerals requiring ceremonial military company, secular funerals and funerals following the principles of other religions.



Our company has vehicles to transport the bodies of deceased persons. We provide transport services on the entire territory of Poland. If the body of a deceased person remains abroad or requires being transported outside of Poland, we organise both land and air transport, at the same time safeguarding full formal and legal service.

Karawany Przedsiębiorstwa Pogrzebowego Koperski


Prosektorium firmy Koperski

We are well aware of how delicate the sphere our company operates in is. Therefore, to guarantee calm atmosphere to relatives, we stick to the principle of full transparency with regard to activities performed in relation to the bodies of deceased persons. Family members can check what happens to the body of a close relative at any time. Until the burial the body remains in one of our cooling units. All persons employed there are professionals holding appropriate certificates. Our employees always show respect to the body of a deceased person.

The prosectorium is under constant supervision of the Sanepid (sanitary services) station and other supervisory institutions.

The prosectorium is equipped with all specialist tools and devices required to perform such activity.

It includes cooling and freezing chambers that allow storing the body for a long time. Owing to a specially equipped laboratory, our company can also provide services commissioned by enforcement authorities, insurance companies, hospitals, health care institutions and individuals. The scope of our services includes:

  • storage of the body,
  • autopsy,
  • embalming,
  • post-mortem cosmetics,
  • preparation for burial.