The world’s first Jaguar hearses are here in Poland!

If we were to point out the most developed funeral services market in the world, that would surely be Italy. Hundreds of thousands coffins produced every year as well as globally known patterns and models keep inspiring us to create our own Italian-style products. Italian influence and contact with the Italian funeral culture mean a lot more to our company than just a history of the European funeral industry. It is also a direction we took years ago. Italian precision and care for detail represent our company’s internal objectives at every stage of artisanal work and customer relations.

Therefore, it is an even greater honour to be able to work with Italian companies that manufacture specialised equipment for the funeral industry. The Italian company Pilato is the globally recognised manufacturer of luxury special-purpose cars. Our cooperation of several years culminated in the most important purchase in terms of our fleet in 2017. Since the summer of 2017 our clients can select Jaguar GRAND AURORA XF hearse as the first ones in Poland and Europe (except Italy). This is a breakthrough moment for us and for the entire funeral industry in Poland. It is not that common to have the latest advances in the field of design and technology directly transferred to the Polish market.

  A remarkably illuminated, glazed and personalised rear part of the hearse allows unprecedented visibility and presentation of a coffin or urn. The car brand and finish will meet the most restrictive requirements with regard to the funeral procession.

Two new cars of this type were added to our representative fleet, enriching the Jaguar line we have been consistently expanding. The first Jaguar hearse came to service in 2010. Apart from Jaguar cars, our fleet consists of Mercedes special-purpose cars and vehicles that aid in handling the funeral ceremony.